Assalamualaikum, Qonitas!


Alhamdulillah, ternyata Viva Cosmetics (PT. Vitapharm) pun sudah medapatkan sertifikasi halal. Sertifikasi halal ini disahkan oleh MUI regional Jawa Timur.

Kok gak MUI pusat aja sih seperti yang lainnya?

Gak apa-apa juga kok kalau dari MUI local, La Tullipe aja dapet sertifikasi halalnya dari MUI Jatim juga. Ini mempermudah produk2 yang memang diproduksi di daerah (bukan di Jakarta.) untuk mendapatkan SH.


Tapi, telat deh aku tahunya ^^, soalnya Viva dapet SH-nya udah sejak akhir tahun lalu. Awalnya, ada reader yang nanya di kolom komentar postingan merek2 kosmetik halal, katanya Viva cosmetics udah halal atau belum, trus aku jawab ya belum (karena setahuku begitu dulu). Kemudian ada reader lain yang memberi informasi, kalau dia lihat di iklan Viva cosmetics udah punya label halal. Yowes, akhirnya aku cari deh infonya. Eh, ternyata betul! Aku tahunya dari Fanpage Facebooknya Viva. Thanks ya untuk readers2 cantik yang udah ngasih informasi. :D :D

Nah, semoga info ini bermanfaat ya....


Love, BCQ

Attracting Girls - Five Ways to Attract lovely Girls

Step-By-Step Rapid Plans In Beautiful Girls - In order to create pretty girls look your pretension and see you as someone they would go out with, you compulsion an x-factor. You must have something that others don't because pretty ladies won't locate you worth their even if until they spot you as someone who perfectly fit the statements like, "He is the one." or "He is vary from others."

There are vary types of men that lovely girls (actually almost every girl) acquire attracted to. Meet these types of men and know how they get to be the magnet that pulls most luscious girls close. Learn the five ways to attract beautiful girls.

Mr. smart Aleck

He usually wears sleek glasses. He sports a clean clip that fits perfectly later than his suits and ties. He most likely got A+ before grade speculative and he continuous to create people see stirring to him as the one who's got all the answers. He's got engaging ideas that makes his bosses say, "You are the man."

Why beautiful girls get attracted to him?

Smart guys are pretty interesting. In high school, he may be seen by some cheerleaders as someone who can attain their homework and projects. In the corporate world, Mr. smart Aleck can be considered as the reply to all her qualms and questions. Also, later age has established to take on place, and beauty starts to fade, only sensible conversations could create your days brighter.

Step-By-Step Rapid Plans In Beautiful Girls

Mr. proficient performer could be a musician, a painter or a poet. You might have noticed it, but men who performance the guitar and sing can be a total chick magnet. A painter usually ends occurring painting the prettiest girl in the ship naked and someone who's got a flowery tongue gets ladies lure going on for him subsequent to bees.

Why lovely girls get attracted to him?

Mr. talented artiste is following a scarce gem to have around. Girls adore having a song dedicated to them, a poem later their declare as the title or a painting inspired by them. Artists have the finishing to make girls quality more critical because of their creations.

Mr. throbbing Cupid

This guy doesn't forget anniversaries or even birthdays. He makes breakfast in bed further special behind a stem of red rose. He is near to the relations and he is adored by the circle of friends. He hates it following his princess cries.

Why beautiful girls acquire attracted to him?

Mr. desire Cupid would be someone who create her setting important every single day. She will be the middle of his world because his main seek is to ensure that she is happy and content. Mr. twinge Cupid won't be embarrassed to watch a cheesy chick flick gone her and he wouldn't mind buying her tampons.

BlogDokter - Memiliki bayi di tengah-tengah keluarga merupakan pengalaman yang menyenangkan. Apalgi jika bayi tersebut berada pada usia yang mengemaskan. Namun tidak dapat dipungkiri juga akan menjadi tantangan sulit bagi orang tua untuk mengatasi saat seorang bayi rewel, apalagi jika itu tejadi pada malam hari di saat jam tidur.

Bayi menangis biasanya disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor. Sebab bayi belum dapat menyatakan keinginannya lewat bahasa maka ia akan mengepresikannya dengan tangis. Contonhnay saja saat bayi lapar atau saat mereko buang air, maka sang bayi tentu saja akan menangis.

Bagi anda para orang tua sahabat Dokter yang ingin mengetahui cara menangani bayi yang menangis maka anda perlu mengikuti cara menangani bayi di bawah ini.

Ilustrasi Menatasi Bayi Menangis
Berikut 10 Cara Ampuh Mengatasi bayi Menangis

1. Menggendong Bayi

Menurut situs Instictive-Parenting, beberapa bayi menangis karena ingin merasa lebih baik. Mereka bisa saja menangis karena lingkungan yang membuatnya stres dan merasa kaget saat hidup di luar janin. Jika bayi menangis karena hal itu, gendonglah dia dan biarkan tangisan itu. Namun tunjukkan padanya kalau dia boleh menunjukkan emosinya. Jangan timang bayi terlalu keras. Cobalah alihkan perhatiannya dengan mainan. Dengan membiarkan bayi menangis untuk melepaskan stres yang dirasakannya, episode tangisan ini akan berangsur-angsur berkurang.

2. Posisi Berbeda

Jika menggendong bayi kolik dengan posisi wajah ke atas, ini tidak membantu penderitaannya. Cobalah posisi lain. Gendong bayi menghadap ke bawah - dengan tangan di bawah perut dan kepala di lengan. Ini mungkin menenangkannya. Tekanan pada perutnya dapat membantu mengurangi gas dan rasa tidak nyaman.

Three. Beri Empeng

Bayi memiliki insting mengisap yang kuat, sehingga empeng juga dapat menenangkan bayi yang kolik. Bonus: penelitian telah menemukan, empeng juga dapat membantu mencegah sindrom kematian bayi mendadak (SIDS).

4. Kontrol Emosi Anda

Perlu diingat, bayi sangat sensitif pada lingkungannya. Jika Anda sebagai ibunya merasakan stres, cemas, sedih atau tidak sabar, bayi bisa merasakannya. Apalagi jika Anda merasakan perasaan-perasaan tersebut saat menggendongnya. Cobalah kontrol emosi Anda dan ubah rasa tidak nyaman itu menjadi rasa cinta.

5. Jalan-jalan

Bayi dalam rahim terbiasa dibawa bergerak. Meniru hal ini, bisa dengan membawa bayi bergerak untuk membuatnya tertidur. Taruh bayi di ayunan, kursi goyang, beri kursi mobil bergetar, namun jangan pernah meninggalkan bayi sendiri, karena selalu ada bahaya terjatuh. Bawa bayi kolik berjalan-jalan dengan mobil, juga dapat dilakukan.

6. Pijat Bayi

Ingat kekuatan dari sentuhan pada bayi kolik. Banyak bayi sentuhan pores and skin to skin . Penelitian telah menemukan, bayi yang dipijat berkurang menangis dan tidur lebih baik. Coba tanggalkan pakaian bayi dan pijat lembut, pijat lembut bagian kaki, lengan, punggung, dada, dan wajah. Ini juga dapat menenangkan Anda.

7. Lampin

Bagi orang dewasa, dibungkus selimut mungkin terasa seperti dikekang. Tetapi bagi bayi yang menangis dan rewel, lampin terasa seperti rahim sempit, akrab, dan menghibur. Namun seberapa ketat lampin dapat dililitkan, lilit dengan kekuatan cukup saja sehingga lampin bayi tidak lolos, maupun lengan dan kakinya bebas dan memukul dirinya sendiri.

Eight. Konsultasi dengan Dokter

Jika Anda khawatir akan tangisan bayi yang menderita, bawalah ke dokter. Dokter anak dapat memberikan petunjuk dan menyimpulkan penyebab medis. Kendati beberapa bayi tidak beralasan khusus menangis atau bayi hanya lebih mudah menangis keimbang bayi lain. Jadi pada saat bayi Anda menangis, ingat-ingat dua hal: Ini bukan kesalahan dan hal ini tidak akan berlangsung selamanya.

9. Istirahat Sebentar

Menghibur bayi setelah menangis keras di malam sebelumnya karena kolik, merupakan hal penting. Anda mungkin merasa kewalahan, frustrasi, dan kurang efektif dalam bekerja. Jika tidak ada dampak yang terlihat, istirahatlah. Serahkan bayi pada pasangan Anda atau anggota keluarga lain. Ketika itu bukan pilihan, ingatlah jika sah-sah saja membiarkan bayi menangis dalam keranjang tidurnya sebentar sementara Anda mengumpulkan energi.

10. Upayakan Sendawa

Ketika bayi menangis, Ia bisa menelan banyak udara. Itu dapat membuatnya kembung dan tidak nyaman, lalu membuatnya menangis lebih keras. Cobalah gendong dengan posisi vertikal dan urut lembut punggungnya. Posisi klasik (kepala bayi di atas bahu Anda) kerap efektif walaupun dapat membuat bayi gumoh di punggung. Metode lain: baringkan bayi dengan kepala di bagian lutut, atau tarik bayi menyerupai gerakan sit down-u.S.A.Dengan salah satu lengan mendukung dada dan leher nya.

Terima kasih telah membaca 10 Cara Ampuh Mengatasi bayi Menangis . Semoga dengan artikel diatas anda dapat menenangkan bayi dengan cepat.

Baca juga : 10 Cara Aman dan Sehat Merawat Bayi


BlogDokter - Memiliki tempat tinggal yang bersih tentunya akan membawa anda pada hidup yang sehat. Sebab tempat tinggal yang kotor dan terawat merupakan sumber penyakit bagi anda. Walaupun mudah dalam membersihkan rumah anda, tetap saja banyak hal yang menjadi kendala saat anda harus betul-betul mempertahankan kebersihan serta kesehatannya.

Banyak pointers dan cara yang bisa anda gunakan saat ingin memiliki rumah bersih dan sehat. Nah, Inilah 10 cara yang terpilih jika ingin memiliki rumah bersih dan sehat bagi anda dan juga keluarga tercinta anda.

Ilustrasi Orang Membersihkan Rumah
Berikut 10 Cara agar rumah bersih dan sehat.

1. Kurangi barang-barang elektronik

Untuk ketenangan pikiran, singkirkan atau kurangi barang-barang elektronik. Gunakan furnitur penyimpanan panel barang-barang elektronik seperti CD, DVD, dan peralatan virtual lainnya. Dengan penekanan itu bisa menenangkan mata Anda.

2. Mulai gunakan benda-benda berbahan kain microfiber

Kain microfiber atau kain yang berbahan serat sintetis (fiber) sudah banyak dijadikan sebagai alat-alat rumah tangga dari pakaian hingga kain pel.

3. Hindari bahan kimia berbahaya

Hati-hati dengan senyawa organik yang mudah menguap seperti perabot rumah dengan bahan kimia berbahaya VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), misalnya cat, busa, karpet juga bisa berisi VOCs. Carilah produk-produk yang tidak ada kandungan VOCs, berbau rendah, dan tidak ada karsinogen.

4. Memakan makanan organik

Ini adalah cara yang baik untuk mengajarkan anak-anak bagaimana pentingnya kesegaran makanan dan memakan makanan yang bebas dari pestisida.

Five. Amankan sambungan-sambungan kabel listrik

Jika di rumah Anda banyak terdapat sambungan-sambungan kabel yang sifatnya permanen, itu bisa membahayakan. Kabel-kabel tersebut harusnya bersifat sementara dan tertutup agar menghindari bahaya kebakaran. Langkah terbaik, sebaiknya Anda memiliki outlet listrik langganan dan terpercaya.

6. Bersihkan rumput-rumput Anda dari bahan kimia

Jika Anda memelihara rumput di sekitar halaman sebaiknya jangan menggunakan bahan kimia. Apabila rrumput-rumput membutuhkan kesuburan atau pemupukan gunakan gluten tepung jagung sebagai herbisida pilihan alternatif. Untuk pestisidanya, lebih baik gunakan Neem Oil atau minyak Neem yang bisa diencerkan dan disemprotkan. Ini termasuk produk organik yang aman yang bisa dimakan.

7. Selalu cuci dan bersihkan kulkas Anda

Hal kecil ini ternyata bisa menyebabkan sesuatu yang besar, bagian kulkas yang harus selalu dicuci itu bagian yang sering tersentuh tangan atau bagian pintu. Karena kebiasaan orang-orang yang selalu membuka kulkas kemudian mengambil makanan di dalamnya. Dari situlah kuman-kuman berpindah.

8. Bersihkan kamar mandi Anda secara rutin

Hal ini biasanya luput dilakukan dan kebanyakan orang malas melakukannya, jika sering dibersihkan akan mengurangi kondensasi dan membatasi risiko pertumbuhan jamur.

9. Biasakan bersih-bersih dengan vacum cleanser

Jika Anda memelihara kucing, biasanya akan banyak bulu-bulu kucing yang bertebaran. Untuk membersihkannya agar benar-benar bersih gunakan vacum purifier.

10. Biasakan bersihkan kamar dan rumah Anda seminggu sekali

Apabila kamar kita sehat, tentu hal itu akan membuat istirahat kita lebih nyaman, selain itu kamar yang bersih juga bisa mempengaruhi kesehatan kita.. Dan apabila rumah bersih, maka rumah itu akan nyaman untuk kita tinggali.

Terima kasih telah membaca 10 Cara Agar Rumah Bersih dan Sehat . Semoga artikel diatas rumah anda jadi bersih dan keluarga jauh dari penyakit.

Baca juga : 10 Tips Memilih Makanan Sehat Bergizi


Attracting Girls - Five Ways to Attract pretty Girls

Uncomplicated Plans In Beautiful Girls For 2012 - In order to create beautiful girls see your pretension and look you as someone they would go out with, you habit an x-factor. You must have something that others don't because pretty ladies won't find you worth their even if until they spot you as someone who perfectly fit the statements like, "He is the one." or "He is swap from others."

There are vary types of men that beautiful girls (actually approaching every girl) acquire attracted to. Meet these types of men and know how they get to be the magnet that pulls most luscious girls close. Learn the five ways to attract beautiful girls.

Mr. intellectual Aleck

He usually wears sleek glasses. He sports a tidy clip that fits perfectly in the manner of his suits and ties. He most likely got A+ before grade hypothetical and he continuous to make people look stirring to him as the one who's got every the answers. He's got engaging ideas that makes his bosses say, "You are the man."

Why pretty girls get attracted to him?

Smart guys are lovely interesting. In high school, he may be seen by some cheerleaders as someone who can get their homework and projects. In the corporate world, Mr. intellectual Aleck can be considered as the respond to all her qualms and questions. Also, next age has established to resign yourself to place, and beauty starts to fade, forlorn sensible conversations could create your days brighter.

Uncomplicated Plans In Beautiful Girls For 2012

Mr. competent artist could be a musician, a painter or a poet. You might have noticed it, but men who work the guitar and sing can be a total chick magnet. A painter usually ends happening painting the prettiest woman in the boat naked and someone who's got a flowery tongue gets ladies lure re him in the manner of bees.

Why pretty girls acquire attracted to him?

Mr. clever performer is subsequent to a rare gem to have around. Girls adore having a song dedicated to them, a poem later than their reveal as the title or a painting inspired by them. Artists have the endowment to create girls setting more indispensable because of their creations.

Mr. itch Cupid

This guy doesn't forget anniversaries or even birthdays. He makes breakfast in bed new special taking into account a stem of red rose. He is near to the intimates and he is adored by the circle of friends. He hates it past his princess cries.

Why pretty girls get attracted to him?

Mr. ache Cupid would be someone who make her mood important all single day. She will be the middle of his world because his main object is to ensure that she is happy and content. Mr. pain Cupid won't be disconcerted to watch a cheesy chick flick similar to her and he wouldn't mind buying her tampons.

Attracting Girls - Five Ways to Attract lovely Girls

Deciding On Programs Of Beautiful Girls - In order to create beautiful girls see your showing off and see you as someone they would go out with, you obsession an x-factor. You must have something that others don't because lovely ladies won't find you worth their while until they spot you as someone who perfectly fit the statements like, "He is the one." or "He is different from others."

There are alternative types of men that beautiful girls (actually all but every girl) acquire attracted to. Meet these types of men and know how they acquire to be the magnet that pulls most luscious girls close. Learn the five ways to attract beautiful girls.

Mr. smart Aleck

He usually wears slick glasses. He sports a tidy clip that fits perfectly afterward his suits and ties. He most likely got A+ in the past grade university and he continuous to create people look up to him as the one who's got every the answers. He's got fascinating ideas that makes his bosses say, "You are the man."

Why lovely girls get attracted to him?

Smart guys are lovely interesting. In tall school, he may be seen by some cheerleaders as someone who can reach their homework and projects. In the corporate world, Mr. smart Aleck can be considered as the answer to every her qualms and questions. Also, considering age has settled to assume place, and beauty starts to fade, solitary sensible conversations could create your days brighter.

Deciding On Programs Of Beautiful Girls

Mr. proficient artiste could be a musician, a painter or a poet. You might have noticed it, but men who perform the guitar and sing can be a sum chick magnet. A painter usually ends up painting the prettiest woman in the ship naked and someone who's got a flowery tongue gets ladies lure around him in the manner of bees.

Why pretty girls acquire attracted to him?

Mr. skilled artist is subsequently a rare gem to have around. Girls love having a song dedicated to them, a poem later their publicize as the title or a painting inspired by them. Artists have the talent to create girls atmosphere more critical because of their creations.

Mr. yearning Cupid

This boy doesn't forget anniversaries or even birthdays. He makes breakfast in bed new special bearing in mind a stem of red rose. He is close to the relatives and he is adored by the circle of friends. He hates it considering his princess cries.

Why beautiful girls acquire attracted to him?

Mr. itch Cupid would be someone who create her atmosphere important all single day. She will be the middle of his world because his main wish is to ensure that she is happy and content. Mr. longing Cupid won't be confused to watch a cheesy chick flick taking into account her and he wouldn't mind buying her tampons.

Attracting Girls - Five Ways to Attract lovely Girls

Effortless Products For Beautiful Girls Uncovered - In order to make lovely girls look your mannerism and see you as someone they would go out with, you need an x-factor. You must have something that others don't because pretty ladies won't locate you worth their while until they spot you as someone who perfectly fit the statements like, "He is the one." or "He is alternating from others."

There are rotate types of men that pretty girls (actually as regards every girl) acquire attracted to. Meet these types of men and know how they acquire to be the magnet that pulls most luscious girls close. Learn the five ways to attract lovely girls.

Mr. smart Aleck

He usually wears smooth glasses. He sports a clean clip that fits perfectly in the manner of his suits and ties. He most likely got A+ past grade college and he continuous to create people look up to him as the one who's got all the answers. He's got fascinating ideas that makes his bosses say, "You are the man."

Why pretty girls acquire attracted to him?

Smart guys are lovely interesting. In tall school, he may be seen by some cheerleaders as someone who can realize their homework and projects. In the corporate world, Mr. smart Aleck can be considered as the reply to every her qualms and questions. Also, taking into consideration age has fixed to resign yourself to place, and beauty starts to fade, abandoned sensible conversations could create your days brighter.

Effortless Products For Beautiful Girls Uncovered

Mr. competent performer could be a musician, a painter or a poet. You might have noticed it, but men who feat the guitar and sing can be a total chick magnet. A painter usually ends taking place painting the prettiest girl in the boat naked and someone who's got a flowery tongue gets ladies lure on the subject of him once bees.

Why lovely girls acquire attracted to him?

Mr. clever performer is in imitation of a rare gem to have around. Girls love having a song dedicated to them, a poem later their proclaim as the title or a painting inspired by them. Artists have the expertise to create girls mood more vital because of their creations.

Mr. throb Cupid

This boy doesn't forget anniversaries or even birthdays. He makes breakfast in bed new special considering a stem of red rose. He is near to the intimates and he is adored by the circle of friends. He hates it once his princess cries.

Why lovely girls acquire attracted to him?

Mr. tender Cupid would be someone who create her vibes important every single day. She will be the middle of his world because his main object is to ensure that she is glad and content. Mr. throbbing Cupid won't be mortified to watch a cheesy chick flick gone her and he wouldn't mind buying her tampons.
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