Attracting Girls - Five Ways to Attract lovely Girls

No-Hassle Beautiful Girls Programs Around The Usa - In order to make pretty girls look your exaggeration and look you as someone they would go out with, you obsession an x-factor. You must have something that others don't because pretty ladies won't find you worth their though until they spot you as someone who perfectly fit the statements like, "He is the one." or "He is swap from others."

There are every other types of men that beautiful girls (actually roughly speaking all girl) acquire attracted to. Meet these types of men and know how they acquire to be the magnet that pulls most luscious girls close. Learn the five ways to attract lovely girls.

Mr. intellectual Aleck

He usually wears smooth glasses. He sports a clean clip that fits perfectly gone his suits and ties. He most likely got A+ before grade instructor and he continuous to create people see in the works to him as the one who's got every the answers. He's got engaging ideas that makes his bosses say, "You are the man."

Why beautiful girls acquire attracted to him?

Smart guys are pretty interesting. In tall school, he may be seen by some cheerleaders as someone who can realize their homework and projects. In the corporate world, Mr. smart Aleck can be considered as the respond to all her qualms and questions. Also, subsequent to age has settled to put up with place, and beauty starts to fade, only sensible conversations could create your days brighter.

No-Hassle Beautiful Girls Programs Around The Usa

Mr. proficient player could be a musician, a painter or a poet. You might have noticed it, but men who piece of legislation the guitar and sing can be a total chick magnet. A painter usually ends stirring painting the prettiest girl in the boat naked and someone who's got a flowery tongue gets ladies lure roughly speaking him taking into consideration bees.

Why lovely girls acquire attracted to him?

Mr. skilled artist is gone a rare gem to have around. Girls love having a tune dedicated to them, a poem in imitation of their declare as the title or a painting inspired by them. Artists have the carrying out to make girls quality more critical because of their creations.

Mr. itch Cupid

This guy doesn't forget anniversaries or even birthdays. He makes breakfast in bed further special next a stem of red rose. He is near to the family and he is adored by the circle of friends. He hates it in imitation of his princess cries.

Why beautiful girls get attracted to him?

Mr. throb Cupid would be someone who create her feel important every single day. She will be the middle of his world because his main direct is to ensure that she is glad and content. Mr. itch Cupid won't be dismayed to watch a cheesy chick flick as soon as her and he wouldn't mind buying her tampons.

Attracting Girls - Five Ways to Attract beautiful Girls

Simplifying Speedy Solutions For Beautiful Girls - In order to make beautiful girls see your habit and see you as someone they would go out with, you obsession an x-factor. You must have something that others don't because lovely ladies won't find you worth their though until they spot you as someone who perfectly fit the statements like, "He is the one." or "He is rotate from others."

There are every second types of men that beautiful girls (actually re all girl) acquire attracted to. Meet these types of men and know how they acquire to be the magnet that pulls most luscious girls close. Learn the five ways to attract pretty girls.

Mr. intellectual Aleck

He usually wears smooth glasses. He sports a clean cut that fits perfectly once his suits and ties. He most likely got A+ before grade college and he continuous to make people look up to him as the one who's got every the answers. He's got fascinating ideas that makes his bosses say, "You are the man."

Why beautiful girls acquire attracted to him?

Smart guys are pretty interesting. In tall school, he may be seen by some cheerleaders as someone who can realize their homework and projects. In the corporate world, Mr. smart Aleck can be considered as the reply to every her qualms and questions. Also, as soon as age has established to believe place, and beauty starts to fade, solitary sensible conversations could make your days brighter.

Simplifying Speedy Solutions For Beautiful Girls

Mr. proficient artist could be a musician, a painter or a poet. You might have noticed it, but men who work the guitar and sing can be a sum chick magnet. A painter usually ends taking place painting the prettiest woman in the boat naked and someone who's got a flowery tongue gets ladies lure just about him similar to bees.

Why lovely girls get attracted to him?

Mr. adept artist is later a scarce gem to have around. Girls adore having a tune dedicated to them, a poem in imitation of their pronounce as the title or a painting inspired by them. Artists have the finishing to make girls feel more indispensable because of their creations.

Mr. pining Cupid

This guy doesn't forget anniversaries or even birthdays. He makes breakfast in bed new special as soon as a stem of red rose. He is close to the relations and he is adored by the circle of friends. He hates it with his princess cries.

Why pretty girls acquire attracted to him?

Mr. longing Cupid would be someone who create her setting important all single day. She will be the center of his world because his main objective is to ensure that she is glad and content. Mr. pining Cupid won't be dismayed to watch a cheesy chick flick bearing in mind her and he wouldn't mind buying her tampons.

Homemade Anti-wrinkle Facial Masks

Body lift procedure is the perfect choice for taking out the sagginess on the skin due to fat loss and aging factors. The natural suppleness on the skin might be retained through this cosmetic plastic surgery that helps in maintaining a tender appearance. Through body lift cosmetic plastic surgery you'll be able to retain the body contour of just about all body areas for example thighs, arms, chest, breasts, waist, back, tummy, hips and knees.

Nutrition is essential for that body. Even though hair and fingernails are simply dead cells, they are a significant indicator from the general well-being of your person. Nutrition for the is produced by the meal we take. When your body will not get the necessary nutrient elements, or if it loses the ability to absorb nutrients from the foodstuff it receives, it causes your body utilise internal resources. This causes weakness in your body parts and is reflected in the skin, hair and fingernails. In order to have healthier hair and toenails, it is very important to use food that contains some major vitamins like vitamin A (produces healthy sebum inside the scalp), vitamin C (antioxidant), vitamin E (improves scalp circulation), Biotin (produces Keratin), Inositol (keeps hair follicles healthy), Niacin (promotes scalp circulation) and pantothenic acid, Para-Aminobenzoic Acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 that prevent graying and thinning hair. Of these, vitamin E is found to have a significant affect on the fitness of not just hair but in addition skin and fingernails.

Instead of purchasing lenses via your doctor, check around online! Not only is it more convenient to get contacts online, it enables you to easily research the brands that your optometrist has recommended. But most of most, you are able to sometimes spend less to 70% on lenses buy purchasing them over the internet. Pay attention to testimonials and shipping costs.

This ABBA good hair care technique is just the thing for dry, damaged and brittle hair. Just a few spritzes of this spray before you decide to comb your brush you hair everyday will make such a difference, you will never wish to run out of it. This product also serves as a lightweight gloss to hold nice hair looking clean and feeling soft. You can find this ABBA hairdressing product for around $13.00 online.

Beaute Boutique can be a multi-brand, multi-product beauty care retail chain store. With products that stretch across 5 categories & 15 brands, our ever changing product portfolio serves your entire variety of beauty care needs of men and women. Beaute Boutique was founded in 2007 and from an initial 3 store venture, is located within 7 cities with 72 stores. Our strategic partnerships with various major retail players add to our strength and presence.

Assalamualaikum, Qonitas! ^^

Untuk kalian yang concern dengan kosmetik halal, ada hal lain yang harus diperhatikan kehalalannya selain  make-up dan skincare yang dioleskan di kulit, yaitu kuas make-up atau make-up BRUSHES!


Karena sangat amat banyak brush yang dijual di luar sana masih menggunakan bulu binatang! Bulu binatang yang digunakan bisa berasal dari tupai, marmut, kambing, kuda, babi dll. Dan bulu binatang masih sangat disukai sebagai brush bristle (bulu kuas) karena harga yang relatif murah dan memberikan hasil makeup yang sempurna

Sebagai pengetahuan, ada 2 jenis bristle yang digunakan pada brush. Oiya, bristle adalah istilah 'bulu' untuk kuas.

1. Syntethic Bristle.

Atau disebut juga bulu sintetik, dan pastinya bukan terbuat dari bulu binatang. Karakteristiknya adalah:

  • Biasanya terbuat dari nylon (pada umumnya) dan taklon (contohnya: Ecotools)
  • Penampakan mengkilat
  • Warnanya bisa beraneka
  • Perawatannya mudah karena tidak menyerap pigmen dan air.
  • Penggunaannya lebih cocok untuk aplikasi make-up cair seperti foundation karena tidak menyerap banyak cairan
  • Relatif lebih lembut  Tapi semakin lembut semakin mahal.

2. Natural Bristle

Terbuat dari bulu binatang. Bisa terbuat dari tupai, marmut, kuda, kambing dan babi. Untuk bulu babi, biasanya untuk sikat alis atau mascara brush. Ciri dari natural bristle, yaitu:

  • Penampakannya tidak mengkilap, lebih redup.
  • Warnanya biasanya natural cokelat, abu, putih atau hitam
  • Mudah menyerap pigmen, sehingga perwatannya sulit.
  • Penggunaannya cocok untuk aplikasi make-up yang berbentuk powder seperti bedak, blusher, eyeshadow,
  • Tersedia dari yang paling kasar sampai sangat lembut sekali.
  • Lebih disukai oleh para profesional karena bisa memberikan hasil eye-make up yang baik.
  • Lebih murah

Ada beberapa pilihan brush dengan kulitas terbaik tapi animal fur free. Silahkan dipilih.... ^^


Koleksinya memang gak banyak. Tetapi, semuanya animal fur loose. Dan meskipun TBS sudah menjadi anak perusahaan dari L'oreal (yang menguji produknya pada hewan dan mengandung bahan mentah dari binatang juga), TBS masih menjadi ikon kosmetik yang animal cruelty unfastened, jadi bebas uji produk pada hewan, ingredientnya pun animal unfastened, cocok buat yang menginginkan produk make up yang halal ataupun mereka yang vegetarian/vegan

Terbuat dari bahan sintetik terbaik dan terasa sangat lembut. Aku pakai beberapa brush dari TBS, memang sangat lembut dan bagus aplikasinya.



Merek ini cukup terkenal juga di sini, meskipun hanya bisa dibeli secara online. Dari namanya saja, eco-, udah cukup menunjukkan kalau brush ini memang pro kepada sesuatu yang natural, ramah lingkungan dan animal-free.

Brushnya terbuat dari bahan yang disebut taklon (sejenis polyester) yang kualitasnya bisa lebih baik dari nylon biasa.



ELF merupakan kosmetik yang terdaftar sebagai Animal Cruelty Free Cosmetics versi PETA. ELF ini harganya sangat terjangkau dan kulitas brushnya pun lumayan bagus. Koleksi brushnya sangat lengkap, dari  A sampai Z semua tersedia! Dan cocok buat yang baru belajar make-up.






Itu saja yang aku ingat beberapa brush yang menggunakan synthetic bristle untuk bulunya. Lain kali akan ku-update jika ada kuas make-up sintetik berkualitas baik lainnya (Dan memang sebenarnya banyak, kok!)

Sebenarnya, ada keuntungan lain menggunakan brush berbahan sintetik, yaitu hypoallergenic. Karena untuk mereka yang kulitnya sensitif, menggunakan brush dari bulu binatang bisa mencetuskan alergi.

Aku sendiri punya beberapa brush yang terbuat dari campuran bulu binatang, contohnya merek Masami Shouko. Aku suka produk dari Masami Shouko, sampai traincase make-up ku pun merek Masami Shouko karena design nya lucu dan unik. Untuk brushnya dulu sering aku beli karena harganya murah. Tapi setelah aku cek di websitenya Masami, brushnya ada yang terbuat dari natural bristle, synthetic bristle dan campuran keduanya. Yang aku punya kebanyakan dari natural bristle, kecuali foundation brush #302. Akhirnya brush Masami milikku yang masih terbuat dari bulu hewan tidak ku pakai lagi. Lain kali kalau mau beli brush Masami, akan ku cek dulu dari sintetik atau bukan... :D

Tips dariku dalam membeli brush bebas hewan:

  1. Pahami ciri2 brush sintetik dan non sintetik
  2. Belilah brush yang ada keterangan produk di kemasannya
  3. Beli Brush yang memiliki website tentang penjelasan produknya
  4. Sebaiknya jangan beli brush2  yang kemasannya menggunakan bahasa yang tidak kita mengerti atau brush yang kemasannya cuma plastik aja, gak ada keterangannya.
Lain kali aku akan review 'Must Have Brush' milikku, semuanya animal free.... ^^


Love, BCQ

Hai.. Selamat pagi, sudah bulan Februari 2012

Satu bulan sudah berlalu :) eleven bulan lagi tersisa untuk mewujudkan aneka resolusi Anda di tahun ini..

Apakah hal-hal dibawah termasuk dalam daftar resolusi Anda di tahun ini?

- Tampil lebih menarik ?

- Berat badan lebih ideal ?

- Lebih sehat dan match ?

Jika ya, produk terbaru di catalog Oriflame edisi 2 tahun ini, sangat tepat untuk Anda,

Memperkenalkan rangkain terbaru produk nutrisi Oriflame, yaitu Nutrishake

Jika selama ini Oriflame sudah sangat terkenal dengan lini kosmetiknya, kini Oriflame memperkenalkan produk terbaru yang sangat berbeda dengan kosmetik yaitu produk nutrisi untuk kesehatan (well-being) yaitu Nutri Shake.

Selama ini, Anda bisa memoles kecantikan dari luar, kini Anda bisa melengkapi cantik dengan tubuh yang sehat dari dalam dengan rangkain produk ini.

Nutri Shake adalah suplemen makanan , hasil dari penelitian selama eight tahun di Swedia, awalnya para peneliti dari group Wellness through Oriflame, meneliti untuk membuat suplemen makanan yang bisa mempercepat proses penyembuhan pada pasien transplantasi hati dan paru . Hasil penelitian mereka menciptakan Nutri Shake, produk suplemen makanan yang bisa menunjang penurunan berat badan

Nutrishake membantu kita untuk menyeimbangkan kebutuhan calori dalam tubuh. Dengan software Well Being Road Mapnya, Program Nutrishake akan membantu kita untuk mencapai pola hidup yang baik. Caranya adalah dengan mengikuti program nutrisi yang sehat dan seimbang, melakukan kegiatan olahraga dan bergabung dalam komunitas Wellness dimana kita bisa mendapatkan education yang akan membantu mengoptimalkan hasil software kita.

What To Look For In The Best Collagen Elastin Lotion

Hair and nails are very good indicators in the health and wellness condition with the body. Any kind of illness or stress is reflected with the skin, hair and fingernails. Hair and nails show symptoms like brittleness, thinning, breaking, and splitting when neglected or if the body experiences extreme pressure conditions. Even when the body is deficient in important nourishment, the hair and fingernails shows the signs.

Majestic Luxury Botanicals Aromatherapy Face Masks bring about relaxation, rejuvenation and enhanced beauty within the comfort of our homes. Regular utilisation of the product begins the makeover you might have always sought. Aromatherapy is often a form of alternative healthcare that uses natural fresh plant extracts, essential oils and other aromatic ingredients improving overall health & beauty.

Keep yourself hale and hearty. Your body work-out and eating pattern can in fact determine the health of your skin as even recommended by cosmetic dermatologists. Hydrate yourself and eat proper food. Keep a close watch around the liquids you may be taking and never stay with a selected local brand or stores. Sun damage could be reversed with the intake of proper food and sufficient water to rehydrate your epidermis.

Different aspects in regards to the issue of liposuction decide and figure out the general price of a cosmetic plastic surgery. For example, how big is the body part operated on affects to many point the fees of surgery. And though there's a difference in the difficulty between both male and female liposuction, it doesn't determine the price in the slightest. Thus, what mainly affects the costs may be the sort of liposuction anybody is. Moreover, how much the surplus fat being flourished in surgical treatment is another necessary factor.

Beaute Boutique is a multi-brand, multi-product beauty care retail chain store. With goods that stretch across 5 categories & 15 brands, our ever changing product portfolio serves the entire array of beauty care needs of men and women. Beaute Boutique was founded in 2007 and from a preliminary 3 store venture, is situated in 7 cities with 72 stores. Our strategic partnerships with assorted major retail players add to our strength and presence.

Attracting Girls - Five Ways to Attract lovely Girls

Picking Out Real-World Programs Of Beautiful Girls - In order to make beautiful girls see your habit and look you as someone they would go out with, you infatuation an x-factor. You must have something that others don't because beautiful ladies won't find you worth their even if until they spot you as someone who perfectly fit the statements like, "He is the one." or "He is different from others."

There are every second types of men that pretty girls (actually a propos all girl) get attracted to. Meet these types of men and know how they get to be the magnet that pulls most luscious girls close. Learn the five ways to attract pretty girls.

Mr. intellectual Aleck

He usually wears smooth glasses. He sports a tidy cut that fits perfectly gone his suits and ties. He most likely got A+ back grade learned and he continuous to make people look stirring to him as the one who's got all the answers. He's got interesting ideas that makes his bosses say, "You are the man."

Why pretty girls acquire attracted to him?

Smart guys are pretty interesting. In tall school, he may be seen by some cheerleaders as someone who can complete their homework and projects. In the corporate world, Mr. smart Aleck can be considered as the answer to every her qualms and questions. Also, like age has established to receive place, and beauty starts to fade, by yourself sensible conversations could make your days brighter.

Picking Out Real-World Programs Of Beautiful Girls

Mr. capable performer could be a musician, a painter or a poet. You might have noticed it, but men who function the guitar and sing can be a total chick magnet. A painter usually ends happening painting the prettiest woman in the boat naked and someone who's got a flowery tongue gets ladies lure roughly speaking him considering bees.

Why pretty girls acquire attracted to him?

Mr. clever player is later than a scarce gem to have around. Girls adore having a tune dedicated to them, a poem gone their proclaim as the title or a painting inspired by them. Artists have the ability to make girls quality more valuable because of their creations.

Mr. sadness Cupid

This boy doesn't forget anniversaries or even birthdays. He makes breakfast in bed additional special bearing in mind a stem of red rose. He is near to the relatives and he is adored by the circle of friends. He hates it similar to his princess cries.

Why beautiful girls acquire attracted to him?

Mr. sore Cupid would be someone who create her atmosphere important all single day. She will be the middle of his world because his main strive for is to ensure that she is happy and content. Mr. ache Cupid won't be embarrassed to watch a cheesy chick flick once her and he wouldn't mind buying her tampons.
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