My babylips... :*

Assalamualaikum, Qonitas yang cantik dan baik hatinya... ^^

Sori banget sebelumnya, kalau merasa terganggu dengan my lips atau jadi ngerasa layar gadget kalian penampakannya jadi bibir semua. Haha. Ya, It's my bare lips. No editing at all (kecuali tulisan ini itu), it's really my healthy lips! Meski bentuk bibirku GAK BISA dibilang kayak bibir boneka yg imut2 itu, tapi cukup aku syukuri karena bibir ini sehat dan gak gampang kena masalah entah itu kering dll. Tapi kalau dibiarin, gak dirawat, dicuekin, semau gue, ya jadinya sakit juga, sih... So, kalau gitu bagaimana sih cara memperlakukan si kulit bibir? Ada caranya tersendiri, lho... Mau tahu?  Kalau gitu, silakan lanjut dibaca, dibawah ini ada informasi menarik seputar perbibiran. ^^

Si Bibir, Eh... Si Kulit Bibir...

Yang disebut dengan bibir itu sebenarnya terdiri dari berbagai komponen, ada kulit, mukosa, vaskuler (pembuluh darah), otot, dll. Tapi yang akan jadi fokus kita hari ini adalah KULIT nya saja, ya! ^^

Kulit Bibir Memang Berbeda...

Secara histologis (fitur seluler <-- bukan henpon ya), kulit bibir itu berbeda dengan kulit lain di tubuh kita. Mereka memiliki beberapa ciri yang harus kita pahami bersama sebelum memperlakukan si kulit bibir. Karena dengan tahu karakteristik kulit bibir, kita akan tahu perbedaan cara merawatnya.

Oiya, aku suka dengar orang2 ngeluh mengenai lipstik. Lipstik ini kering, itu kering, semua kering! Pokoknya seakan2 gak cocok pake lipstik manapun. Atau keluhan tentang bibir yang menghitam, pake ini-pakai itu gak cerah2 juga... Nah, pertanyaanya, apakah cara merawatnya sudah benar...?

Mari dilanjut bacanya.... :)

Mereka Begitu Tipis...

Sama seperti kulit lainnya, lapisan kulit bibir terdiri dari epidermis, dermis (dan hipodermis). Tapi, bibir memiliki lapisan epidermis yang lebih tipis. Kalau dilihat dibawah mikroskop, lapisan epidermis bibir mungkin hanya beberapa lapis saja. Beda sama kulit wajah/badan lapisannya bisa ada belasan.

Cepat Berganti Kulit...

Regenerasi kulit bibir 4-7x lebih cepat dari kulit wajah/tubuh. Makanya, kulit lebih sering mengelupas kan? Kalau sering mengelupas (mengelupas lembut, ya... bukan kasar sampai berdarah <-- kalau ini sih bibir pecah2), pasti pakai lipstik sebagus semahal apapun akan jelek, karena akan mempertegas flakies yang siap mengelupas. Flakies itu seperti kelupas2an kecil di bibir, dianjurkan untuk melakukan pengelupasan sel kulit mati dengan teratur agar flaky2 ini gak betah nongol di atas bibir kita.


1. Scrubbing

Scrubbing bibir itu sebenarnya macem2. Tapi lebih baik yg alami, agar kalau terjilat ya gak akan kenapa2. Bisa gunakan gula pasir atau bubuk kopi.

Sementara ini aku pake LUSH SweetLips:

Lush lipscrub ini menginspirasi untuk membuat scrub bibir sendiri di rumah :D

Keunikannya, untuk membuang sisa scrubnya ga usah pake air, tinggal jilat aja ehehe... Apalagi LUSH merupakan produk yg bebas zar additive semacam pengawet jadi aman2 aja kalau termakan. Dan ingredientnya bebas dari derivat hewani. Aku suka aromanya, seperti permen.

Ingredient : Castor Sugar, organic Jojoba Oil, Vanilla Extract, Cocoa absolute, Tagetes oil, flavour.

Kalau dilihat dari ingredientnya sebenarnya bisa banget bikin scrub macem ini di rumah.  Kalau bikin sendiri, cukup ambil gula pasir kemudian ditambahakan sedikit olive oil. Gampang kan? ^^
2. Manfaatkan sikat gigi

Kalau gak mau repot bikin homemade scrub seperti itu, bisa gunakan sikat gigi. Aku selalu sikat bibir ku pake sikat gigi yang aku pake, biasanya sehabis sikat gigi pagi. Kalau habis terkena air/sikat gigi, kulit bibir itu memang lebih lunak, so sel kulit matinya gampang terangkat.

Caranya, pas selesai kumur2, sikat deh pelan2 bibir kulit kita dengan gerakan memutar. Ntar ada tuh yg keluar semacam daki2 di kulit bibir kita. Jangan lupa setelah itu oles lipbalm dan diamkan samapai meresap sebelum gunakan lipstik

Memiliki Lebih Sedikit Pigmen, Namun Mudah Menghitam?

Kulit bibir memiliki lebih sedikit melanosit atau sel yang memproduksi pigmen (melanin). Melanin itu selain fungsinya untuk mewarnai kulit, berfungsi juga untuk melindungi kulit dari radiasi sinar UV.  So, kulit bibir ini memang pada dasarnya hampir tidak berwarna tetapi mudah untuk terpigmentasi karena radiasi sinar UV akibat melanin yg sedikit tadi.

Kok bisa, gimana ceritanya? Melanin di bibir memang sedikit, sehingga resikonya kulit mudah terbakar sinar matahari. Kalau kulit bibir udah terbakar, si melanin ini ramai2 memperbanyak jumlah mereka untuk melindungi kulit dari bahaya sinar matahari lebih lanjut. Konsekuensi dari perlindungan tersebut, melaninnya semakin banyak yg membuat bibir menghitam.

Coba perhatikan gambar2 dibawah ini:

Melanin akan memperbanyak diri kalau kulit terpapar sinar UV (terutama sinar UVB), alhasil kulit akan menggelap.

Sumber Gambar

Beginilah melanosit bekerja pada kulit, termasuk KULIT BIBIR.

Sumber Gambar: Adam

Tuh, baik kan tubuh kita ini? So, hargai perjuangan mereka dengan menjaganya baik2.


1. Sun Protection untuk Bibir

Rajin2lah gunakan Lipbalm ber-SPF (istilahnya, bibir juga di-sunblokin). FYI, kulit yang menghitam itu disebabkan oleh radiasi UV-B, bisa ditangkal dengan SPF pada produk lipbalm.

Kalau lipbalm favorit dalam setahun ini, Oriflame Lipspa Therapy. Aku pilih produk Oriflame karena klaim-nya semua produknya ramah lingkungan dan animal ingredients free.


SPF nya emang cuma 8, cukup lah untuk aku yang aktifitas outdoornya gak banyak dan gak suka jilat2 bibir juga. Yang kusuka adalah tekturnya yg buttery, sangat melembabkan dan wanginya enak. Kekurangannya satu, cepet habis...Ini aja udah yg ke 3 dalam setahun. Dan sayangnya produk Oriflame yg ini udah DC sekarang, duh padahal udah cocok malah gak produksi lagi... :'3. Dan jangan terlalu sering jangan jilat2 bibir pakai ludah.

Yup sekian penjelasan mengenai bibir...Semoga bermanfaat ya...:p

Kalau ini sih caraku sendiri untuk cegah kulit bibir menjadi pigmented karena madu salah satu lightening agent alami. Oiya, madu itu bukan buat bibir kita merah ya.... karena merah itu bukan dari kulitnya tapi dari pembuluh darah di bawah kulit. Trus, pakainya madu murni.. bukan madu rasa atau yang ada campuran ini-itunya. Aku sendiri pake madu Al-Shiva atau TresnoJoyo. Gak ribet, cuma 1-2x seminggu ngolesin madu ke bibir sampai kering. Beres.

Love, BCQ

Coba perhatikan lipstick yang dipakai. Penting bagi kita untuk menggunakan kosmetik yang aman (terdaftar di badan POM, memiliki izin edar).

Atau .bisa jadi memang genetik. Coba lihat Mama dan Papa kita, apakah memiliki warna bibir yang sama? Atau gampangnya, coba deh berkaca trus lihat gusi kita. Kalau gusi kita berwarna kehitaman, kita memang akan cenderung memiliki warna bibir yang serupa.

Gak apa2 kalau memang warna bibir aslinya lebih gelap, yang terpenting tetap sehat dan dijaga agar tidak kusam. Kalau cuma bibir pigmented, bisa aja ditutupi dengan lipstik atau lips concealer, tapi kalau bibir kering, ngelotok, mengelupas. pecah2... ditutupi seperti apapun gak akan bisa...


Sayang sekali, kulit bibir ini memang sudah Allah takdirkan untuk tidak memiliki kelenjar keringat dan kelenjar minyak yg sedikit (bahkan sampai tidak ada sama sekali). Makanya, kulit bibir merupakan kulit yang paling cepat kering dianatara kulit lainnya karena tidak memiliki sumber kelembaban alami.

Kelainan ini biasanya diakibatkan oleh kekurangan Vitamin B2. Hati2 deh, Qonitas....? Jangan ampe kekurang diet B2 kalau gak mau kena perleche... Karena perleche itu enggak enak banget banget..!!

Dulu waktu masih kecil sering banget begini (gara2nya males makan). Gak bisa nganga gede2, mau ketawa sakit, makan sakit, minum aja pake sedotan, apalagi kalau gak sengaja nguap terlalu mangap!! Mammmaahh.... . !! T___T

So, kalo yang lagi weight loss plan, jangan weight loss plan terlalu ketat. Makan dengan gizi seimbang. Makanan yang kaya Vit B2 itu banyak dan enak2 kok. Ada jamur, kedelai, susu (dan turunananya), telur, bayam, brokoli, dsb...


Yup sekian penjelasan mengenai bibir...Semoga bermanfaat ya...:p

Sebenarnya gak ada istilah bibir merah, apalagi sampai ada produk topikal yang bisa membuat bibir kita merah dengan alami, permanen lagi... Karena yang bikin merah itu bukan kulitnya, tetapi kumpulan pembuluh darah yang kaya yang ada di bawah kulit bibir. Heuum... coba aja keletekin kulit bibir kita, warnanya gak merah kan? Tapi putih sampai kecoklatan (tergantung pigmen bawaan)

Love, BCQ

Tadi kan udah dijelaskan kalau warna merah di bibr itu berasal dari pembuluh darah di bawah kulit. Jadi agar bibir kita tetep segar terlihat usahakan peredaran darah itu selalu lancar. Bisa dengan berolahraga teratur. Dengan berolahraga, otomatis peredaran darah akan bersirkulasi dengan lancar termasuk aliran darah menuju wajah. Aku sendiri termasuk males sih olahraga, tapi biasanya aku ganti dengan berjalan kaki. Atau bisa juga dengan cara dipijat2 lembut dengan sikat gigi sehabis menggosok gigi :D :D

(Bonus) Cheilosis Angularis/Perleche

Ada yang tahu ini? atau ada yang pernah mengalami? Aku yakin, satu-dua dari kita pasti pernah, karena penyakit bibir yg satu ini cukup sering juga.


sumber gambar

Kelainan ini biasanya diakibatkan oleh kekurangan Vitamin B2. Hati2 deh, Qonitas....  jangan ampe kekurang vitamin B2 kalau gak mau kena perleche... Karena perleche itu enggak enak banget banget..!!

Dulu waktu masih kecil sering banget begini (gara2nya males makan). Gak bisa nganga gede2, mau ketawa sakit, makan sakit, minum aja pake sedotan, apalagi kalau gak sengaja nguap terlalu mangap!! Mammmaahh.... . !! T___T

So, kalo yang lagi diet, jangan diet terlalu ketat. Makan dengan gizi seimbang. Makanan yang kaya Vit B2 itu banyak dan enak2 kok. Ada jamur, kedelai, susu (dan turunananya), telur, bayam, brokoli, dsb...


Yup sekian penjelasan mengenai bibir...Semoga bermanfaat ya...:p

Wa Allahu Alam...

Love, BCQ

Hairstyles 2006 ? The Look Of 2006 Is The Hairstyle For 2007

Give it somewhat enhancement? The very first place your actual age can reflect is on your skin so because of this you should certainly take more care to ensure that it stays away. Age are some things which can not be defied by anyone but to lessen its pace even for those who work in their 40 plus, you ought to have a good skin care schedule. You will simply love your epidermis making it supple like much more your twenties by using this information.

You should avoid stress. Stress is probably the major reasons behind hair fall knowning that interrupts development of hair. You should keep a healthy life style so that you can avoid such problem to persist prior to deciding to. You would be knowledgeable there's no better method in which natural way. You should try to be as close to nature as you can. You should have a highly determined insurance policy for your day-to-day activities. You must not use any situation that is injurious to health like you shouldn't be addict to alcohol. You should avoid alcohol and all other alcoholic products. Alcohol just might provide you with instant pleasure however it is very harmful in long race. You should also keep the face well cleaned to be able to avoid any problem that will come at any stage. A clear face may have not a problem like pimples or any such problem.

But take heart! There are many selections for individuals to whiten their teeth and still have that white and bright smile they need to show people. You can choose to have your teeth whitened because of your dentist. You can decide to do it yourself by using a broad variety of whitening goods that are available in stores. The dentist features a few methods that he/she will offer for your requirements that whiten your teeth faster than your home products. The solutions employed in bleaching teeth white tend to be more potent in the dentist?s office. They are available towards the dentist because the dentist is trained professionally to take care of your teeth. Usually carbamide peroxide is the bleaching agent of preference employed in teeth bleaching products. The gel used in dental offices contains a great deal more concentrated carbamide peroxide than what we can find over-the-counter. As a result your bleaching procedure will be faster along with your results better. Also, dentists use custom trays which are created from models of your teeth so they fit more perfectly and evenly spread the gel over your teeth. Some dentist can also offer laser whitening which is a good faster procedure.

These days all of the employers are getting to be extremely worried about the employees training. They make a proper verification check prior to hiring a candidate. They are getting to be particular relating to employees training. They want their employees to become well trained coming from a reputed makeup school. So, better take training from the good school in the event you actually want to grab some handsome salary as well as a good name and fame. Probably, is basically that you are preparing to invest in a freelance opportunity, even so you need to have a healthy standing so that you can have more and more clients.

Beaute Boutique can be a multi-brand, multi-product beauty care retail chain store. With items that stretch across 5 categories & 15 brands, our ever changing product portfolio suits the complete selection of beauty care needs of men and women. Beaute Boutique was founded in 2007 and from an initial 3 store venture, is currently located within 7 cities with 72 stores. Our strategic partnerships with various major retail players add to our strength and presence.

Attracting Girls - Five Ways to Attract lovely Girls

Investigating Uncomplicated Solutions Of Beautiful Girls - In order to make lovely girls see your quirk and see you as someone they would go out with, you dependence an x-factor. You must have something that others don't because beautiful ladies won't locate you worth their even though until they spot you as someone who perfectly fit the statements like, "He is the one." or "He is swing from others."

There are every second types of men that lovely girls (actually approximately every girl) acquire attracted to. Meet these types of men and know how they get to be the magnet that pulls most luscious girls close. Learn the five ways to attract beautiful girls.

Mr. intellectual Aleck

He usually wears slick glasses. He sports a clean cut that fits perfectly next his suits and ties. He most likely got A+ back grade instructor and he continuous to make people see occurring to him as the one who's got every the answers. He's got interesting ideas that makes his bosses say, "You are the man."

Why pretty girls acquire attracted to him?

Smart guys are lovely interesting. In high school, he may be seen by some cheerleaders as someone who can reach their homework and projects. In the corporate world, Mr. smart Aleck can be considered as the reply to all her qualms and questions. Also, when age has fixed to agree to place, and beauty starts to fade, abandoned sensible conversations could create your days brighter.

Investigating Uncomplicated Solutions Of Beautiful Girls

Mr. intelligent artist could be a musician, a painter or a poet. You might have noticed it, but men who performance the guitar and sing can be a total chick magnet. A painter usually ends stirring painting the prettiest woman in the ship naked and someone who's got a flowery tongue gets ladies lure not far off from him taking into consideration bees.

Why lovely girls acquire attracted to him?

Mr. bright player is bearing in mind a scarce gem to have around. Girls love having a song dedicated to them, a poem bearing in mind their declare as the title or a painting inspired by them. Artists have the finishing to create girls mood more critical because of their creations.

Mr. sadness Cupid

This guy doesn't forget anniversaries or even birthdays. He makes breakfast in bed supplementary special following a stem of red rose. He is close to the associates and he is adored by the circle of friends. He hates it subsequently his princess cries.

Why lovely girls acquire attracted to him?

Mr. desire Cupid would be someone who make her tone important every single day. She will be the center of his world because his main ambition is to ensure that she is glad and content. Mr. throb Cupid won't be disconcerted to watch a cheesy chick flick when her and he wouldn't mind buying her tampons.

Sering menghabiskan banyak uang untuk mempercantik diri? Terutama untuk membuat kulit mulus, kencang dan putih alami kita sering membeli produk kosmetik mahal, tapi ternyata banyak mengandung zat-zat kimia yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Mulai sekarang cobalah dengan cara yang murah dengan mengonsumsi buah.

Dilansir, 5 buah ini bisa membuat kulit Anda cantik.

1. Strawberry

Jika Anda berpikir cuma buah jeruk yang mengandung nutrition C tinggi, Anda salah besar. Strawberry justru memiliki vitamin C yang lebih banyak. Sementara itu, nutrition C adalah kunci produksi maksimal dari kolagen. Strawberry juga mengandung antioksidan yang memperlambat pikun di usia senja.

2. Almond

Kandungan diet E pada kacang almond merupakan antioksidan yang melindungi sel-sel kulit dari sinar UV dan faktor lingkungan lainnya. Ingin punya kulit yang semakin cantik? Selain dimakan, pakai minyak almond sebagai masker setelah dicampur dengan madu dan jus lemon.

3. Wortel

Wortel sering dikaitkan dengan kesehatan mata. Namun kandungan beta-carotene di dalamnya juga mampu melindungi kulit dari paparan sinar UV. Selain itu, kekurangan nutrition A bisa bikin kulit kering. Makanya jangan ragu makan wortel untuk memenuhi kebutuhan vitamin tersebut. Info tambahan: Wortel matang lebih banyak mengandung beta-carotene daripada yang mentah!

Four. Salmon

Salmon mengandung asam lemak omega-three yang menyehatkan jantung dan otak. Salmon juga mampu mengurangi garis-garis halus dan keriput pada kulit dengan cara meningkatkan elastisitas dan mencegah pori-pori tersumbat.

5. Kiwi

Bukan cuma punya rasa lezat, kiwi juga kaya akan nutrition C dan E yang melindungi kulit dari kerusakan akibat paparan sinar UV. Sebuah penelitian bahkan menyebutkan bahwa kiwi ampuh membuat kulit lebih bercahaya.

Itulah berbagai makanan yang mempercantik kulit. Untuk cantik tidak harus mahal bukan?


5 Minute Makeup

Bunions certainly are a common problem experienced mostly by women. The deformity can produce from an abnormality in foot function, or arthritis, but is much more commonly a result of wearing improper fitting footwear. Tight, narrow dress shoes which has a constrictive toe box (toe area) might cause the foot to start out to accept the form of the shoe, resulting in occurance of a bunion. Women who have bunions normally wear dress shoes which are too small for feet. Their toes are squeezed together in their shoes resulting in the first metatarsal bone to protrude assisting the foot.

Hydroxatone is a brand formulating some really effective anti-aging wrinkle creams that will erase each side fine lines, crow's feet, and also deep wrinkles. The products are simple to apply. They contain key ingredients that hydrate the skin, relax muscle tissues, promote collagen production, and visibly improve complexion and tone. They also contain SPF to assist protect your skin from the harmful sunshine.

Perhaps you are newly single and you are looking for a mate. Or maybe you are in work, and you really are searching for that promotion. Most people think that the younger you gaze, a lot more likely your coworkers will be to offer you a raise. Or perhaps you would like to look really miss you, as well as nobody. Then you may have to get dermal fillers.

Normally, industry is scheduled for five to ten sessions of microdermabrasion at 2 to 3 weekly intervals between. The actual schedule depends on the therapist's assessment in the quality and sensitivity of your man's skin. Mostly, the best microdermabrasion for the pick-me-up session is completed at the very least a week before a captivating date, before being married or birthday party, or before traveling to a crucial convention. Some redness will be after 30 minutes and some flaking will continue to be up to seven days, these will all disappear and the skin returns on track in the long run.

These days clients would rather opt for the ones that took good training whether or not the rates are a little higher. They demand quality and they are prepared to pay any amount for similar. So the training is exactly what that matters in this profession. If you a famous tag along with your name you are able to reach heights. Surely, sky could be the limit to suit your needs.

manfaat tomat untuk wajah dan muka
Buah Tomat (Foto: Morguefile)
Ladies, pasti ingin kan kulit putih bersih, karena kulit putih bersih menjadi impian wanita Indonesia. Demi membuat kulit putih dan bersih segala hal dan cara dilakukan, tapi hati-hati karena banyak produk yang beredar di pasaran tidak semua aman, walaupun harganya mahal. Seminggu yang lalu, BPOM mengumumkan 17 kosmetik berbahaya, setelah sebelumnya menemukan kosmetik-kosmetik serupa.

Jika Anda ingin cara alami untuk mencerahkan wajah, Anda bisa menggunakan bahan yang ada di dapur. Tomat adalah salah satu bahan yang bisa Anda gunakan. Dilansir situs, tomat memiliki banyak manfaat, antara lain mengurangi kadar minyak, membantu mengempeskan jerawat, mencerahkan wajah dan mengandung vitamin A, C, E dan mineral untuk menutrisi kulit.

Tidak sulit membuat masker tomat, akan lebih baik jika tomat yang Anda gunakan adalah tomat organik. Yuk coba membuatnya:


1 buah tomat

1 sdt perasan air lemon segar

1 sdm oatmeal

Cara Memakai:

  1. Blender tomat hingga halus. Campur dengan air lemon dan oatmeal.
  2. Tuangkan dalam mangkuk kecil.
  3. Pada wajah yang sudah bersih, oleskan campuran masker pada wajah dan leher. Hindari bagian di sekitar mata.
  4. Diamkan selama 10 menit.
  5. Bilas wajah dengan air hangat.

Anda bisa melakukan perawatan memakai masker alami ini seminggu sekali atau dua minggu sekali. Cantik tidak harus mahal, karena alam selalu memberikan yang terbaik untuk kecantikan dan kesehatan kita.


From Bunion To Bunionette's... No Laughing Matter...

Body lift procedure is the ideal selection for detaching the sagginess of the skin due to weight loss and aging factors. The natural suppleness of your skin may be retained through this plastic surgery which assists in maintaining a young appearance. Through body lift cosmetic surgery it's possible to retain the body contour of virtually all body areas such as thighs, arms, chest, breasts, waist, back, tummy, hips and knees.

Get to know various skin remedies available. The women of 40 plus age believe it is essential for them to select any special skin remedies to remove this folds on the skin. If walls can talk, then so can your skin. Complement your natural natual skin care routine with treatments that can ensure that the greatest result; question microdermabrasion, botox injections, and skins. It is better to for the treatment such as compounds and insertions to revive your skin to make it youthful. There has bee a drastic and quicker alternation in science that even you should alternation in exactly the same tempo.

Most vitamins are produced from food. The most common food-based reasons for vitamins are: citrus fruits, greens, fruits like pineapple, strawberries, kiwi, potatoes, green peppers, cheese, vegetable oils, soybean, raw seeds, beans, wheat germ oil, brewer?s yeast, cereals, eggs, liver, rice, milk, fish, turkey, chicken and red meat. Other nutrients essential for body are proteins and minerals like iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium and efa's.

In many cases, with large breasts, there might be physical discomfort and problems related to it. The primary ones are neck aches and severe back pains. Additionally, the bra straps leave their mark around the shoulders, displaying a discomforting appeal. So, in order to enhance the comfort as well as lowering the pain sensation, it's important to endure the knife.

These days clients want to choose those who have taken good training get the job done rates are a bit higher. They demand quality and therefore are able to pay any amount for a similar. So the training 's what that matters on this profession. If you a famous tag using your name you are able to reach heights. Surely, sky may be the limit to suit your needs.
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